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ACFS Fighting For Better Conditions

Arthur Tzaneros (ACFS CEO) is in Canberra with a delegation of employers, associations, employees, owner-drivers and gig workers, informing all sectors of Govt for the immediate requirement for reform. The transport Industry needs to be saved from itself, with lower rates, poor conditions, and insecurity around employment which especially applies in the gig economy, which will have an everlasting impact on the transport sector.

The transport sector has seen very large companies go into receivership just in the last fortnight, with over 2,000 employees losing their jobs. The gig sector has seen 17 deaths in the last 3yrs, with very little to no protection for the employees family affected.

The entire sector needs a level playing field on conditions, that are passed down the supply chain with viable charge rates, that do not go backwards annually.

Those who expect costs savings, year on year without process and or productivity improvements will send your transport provider broke, which will ultimately result in a smaller transport supply chain, which will result in much higher rates due to demand and supply in the foreseeable future.

ACFS is pushing for the Transport industry to be an industry of choice, rather than an industry of death and or last resort!

Photo from left to right
·        Nick McIntosh – TWU Assistant National Secretary
·        Arthur Tzaneros – CEO ACFS Port Logistics
·        Milton Dick MP – Speaker of the House of Representatives
·        Michael Kaine – TWU National Secretary