Shipment tracking

ACFS Transport Operating Procedures – Import Containers


 Dear Valued Customer,

 In an effort to avoid financial penalties for untimely collection of imports and assist to manage container free time, please forward the below SOP to your operational staff.

Following the SOP will avoid unnecessary charges.

Pre alerts detailing expected container numbers are forwarded no less than three days prior to vessels’ ETA. All pre alerts must also be sent to your account coordinator as well as [email protected].

  • Please ensure this includes vessel/voyage, container number, terminal where available from, container delivery address details, weight, ISO and any specific delivery requirements or requests. Please note you must also clearly state set temperatures on reefer units, IMDG details for Hazardous containers including weather it has a Red or Green line status.

2. All Shipping Line EDO’s and container weight declaration must be sent to ACFS no later than 2 days prior to the vessels ETA. Failure to do this will mean there will be no assurance the subject containers will be collected within the free days. This is due to the 48 hour notice period for all terminal slots.

3. Slots for import containers will not be booked if the container is yet to be discharged or Customs HELD, should any container be requested for collection under either of these circumstances a NO SHOW fee will be passed onto yourself.

4. The Account coordinator will supply you with a transport planning report on a daily basis, from this a delivery schedule for the next day and night can be developed. These requests must be in by no later than 12pm daily for a next day or night delivery.

5. From 1pm ACFS prepares a ‘day plan’ for next day deliveries. Should there be any issues your account coordinator will advise of a plan to deliver these in the next available time frame.

Note; ACFS will not be liable for any Wharf storage or import container detention should the above not be followed.