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Customer Success Story

ACFS Port Logistics & Active Supply Chains and Drive Operational Excellence in the Automotive Industry.

At ACFS, we take great pride in witnessing the real-world impact we have on the execution of our logistics solutions with our business partners and clientele. Our new partnership with Active Supply Chains demonstrates how collaboration and innovation can deliver outstanding results.

Here’s how ACFS Port Logistics, in collaboration with Active Supply Chains, helped their Automotive customer improve their wharf logistics operations:

Optimising Transport Operations:
Leveraging the developed and scalable solution for wharf cartage ACFS Port Logistics has exemplified over the years, ACFS and Active Supply Chains worked together to introduce an improved delivery model. This design improved turnaround times and reduced operating costs. By leveraging route optimisation and doubling TEU deliveries per trip from 2 to 4 with our specialised ACFS Higher Productivity Vehicles, we have significantly improved transport efficiency, reduced operating costs, and cut carbon emissions by 50%—all while maintaining exceptional service quality.

Delivering Tailored Solutions with a Customer-Centric Approach:
The automotive sector has faced significant challenges in recent years, including import limitations, delays, and supply chain disruptions. The combined expertise of ACFS Port Logistics and Active Supply Chains enabled the creation of a unique, tailored solution designed to give this customer a competitive edge heading into 2025.

At ACFS, we’re committed with our business partners to provide superior freight, logistics, and transport services that create tangible value for our customers. This success story in conjunction with Active Supply Chains is just one of many where we’ve helped businesses across multiple industries achieve operational excellence.

For inquiries, email the ACFS Enquiry team at: [email protected]

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