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Joint Venture “Go Live” – Next Steps – Message from CEO


Today marks a major milestone for ACFS and its employees, when our new joint venture with Patrick opens for business.

Effective the 1st August 2015, a new operating and organisational structure has commenced, and is currently being transitioned into the business with immediate effect. Senior management that are transitioning into ACFS Port Logistics (Newco) from Patrick and ACFS, will be working closely in order to effect a seamless transition.

The transition plan is in place, and we will keep you notified about the new organisation as it takes shape in coming days. The effects of these changes, will be minimal to many of you.

But please make no mistake, today represents a major opportunity for all of our people, some 450 of whom will transition into the new venture. This means we can now proceed with building our new business together, investing in its success and in the success of you, our people.

Our aim is simple: to create Australia’s best container logistics business with a reputation second to none in the market place for customer service and operational excellence. Being a market leader, with a strong focus on customer service is imperative to our success as a company, and as individuals.

We will work will work hard as a group, to create a “one team, one culture, one brand ” entity so that the new business fulfils another major ambition we’ve set for it – to be a growth opportunity for our people.

Your safety is, of course, a paramount concern. I’d remind you all that safety is the responsibility of all of us.

In the short term the plan is still for the ACFS and Patrick brands to appear jointly on all correspondence to demonstrate the 50/50 nature of the business we’ve formed. The business will be formally be branded as ACFS Port Logistics Pty Ltd.

I would like to make sure that all ACFS employees welcome the Patrick Management and employees to the new business, and make them feel welcome, and part of the immediate team from day 1. Culturally, this is an important step to the success of our business going forward.

Personally I’d like to also extend a warm welcome to our new board members in Murray Vitlich and Jeff Procter who will join both Terry Tzaneros and myself on the board. I would also like to thank James Dorney and his extended leadership team throughout Patrick and Asciano, for their efforts and continued assistance throughout the transition. Most importantly, I’d like to thank all of you for your continued contribution and hard work, and I look forward to our continued success.

Exciting times ahead, and together we look forward to many opportunities that lay ahead.


Arthur Tzaneros
Chief Executive Officer