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Patrick Port Botany Terminal Redevelopment to Automation

Dear Valued Clients,

I have received notice regarding Patrick Port Botany redevelopment to automation. Commencing Monday 19/01/2015 with completion, yet to be confirmed, Patrick Port Botany Terminal operations will be hampered by landside works as progression to full terminal automation takes place.

The works will impact on the Terminal stacking capacity thereby requiring containers by vessel to be relocated prior to availability to a outside container storage facility. ACFS will then need to collect our customers containers from the nominated facility. This, I am advised should not delay availability under current circumstances.

ACFS will endeavour to collect containers prior to the bulk evacuation to the outside facility however on occasions this may not be possible.

To ensure ACFS has every opportunity to collect containers prior to the bulk movement, please have your forwarder supply the appropriate documentation according to the ACFS import SOP.

During this period, where containers are relocated prior to ACFS collecting direct from the Patrick Terminal, additional charges may apply where delays or additional transportation cost are incurred beyond our control. Where additional costs are levied please contact your Shipping Line to discuss reimbursement of said costs.

Please be aware ACFS is working closely with Patrick Terminal Management to work additional shifts to avoid the additional moves where at all possible.

I will keep you advised of project progress as automation is implemented.

Yours sincerely

Don Hughes

General Manager – NSW

Australian Container Freight Services